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Sustainable Energy Will Defeat Wahhabi Terror
Religious extremism in the Middle East surfaced after the dismemberment of the Ottoman Empire in 1918. The book attempts to answer the question: What caused the transformation over the past one hundred years in Middle Eastern societies from religious tolerance to the religious wars that now plague the region?
Oil and God describes Saudi Arabia’s symbiotic union with Wahhabism. The book investigates why President G.W. Bush occupied Iraq following the terror of 9/11, how Tehran dominated Baghdad, why President Obama handed Syria to Iran, and why Mr. Trump has basically followed the Bush and Obama strategies.
Oil and God contends that hegemony over oil exports is world hegemony, a non-lethal weapon of mass destruction. It holds that national security concerns of the big oil importers in Asia and Europe will drive renewable energy to end oil imports for the transportation sector. When that happens, US protection of Riyadh and the rest of the GCC will wane and democracy could then have a chance to take root in Arab lands.