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Arab Resistance to Democratic and Religious Reforms

The Islamic Shield examines the interaction between political Islam and international politics. Washington’s “War on Terrorism” has used democratization of the Arab World as a justification and a weapon. The Islamic Shield contends that genuine religious and political reforms in the Arab World are unlikely: Democratic ideology cannot defeat Islamic theology. A culture of blind obedience to authority at the home, school, mosque, and work place has become a form of piety.

The Islamic shield analyzes the likely causes behind 9/11. The book examines the factors, which might drive young, sometimes affluent and educated persons to self-annihilate. In addition to a deficit of freedom, extremist religious indoctrination as well as domestic and foreign political factors are identified. The book concludes that politically expedient solutions will fail to defeat jihadism and terrorism.

The Islamic Shield examines why democratic institutions do not exist in two profoundly different countries: Saudi Arabia, an Islamist monarchy, and Syria, a quasi-secular republic. Although the two countries differ in governance, ideologies, natural resources, and climate they share in common non-representative, non-participatory dictatorial regimes. The two countries approximate socio-political models found in other Arab monarchies and republics.

The Islamic Shield considers such questions as: How likely is it that a future Arab Martin Luther, or a Kemal Ataturk might emerge? Why do non-Arab Islamic countries elect women as prime ministers and presidents while Arab ulama treat women as lesser beings and condemn democracy as un-Islamic? Is benevolent dictatorship a viable alternative to democracy? Is Islamic law changeable? If yes, who may change it? What might the legacy of the George W. Bush administration be in the Muslim world? What might be the eventual outcome of the “War on Terrorism”?